Room for a Change #2

When the landlady couldn't change her daughter's mind about dating Peter, she decided to change his body.

Model Husband #3

Loretta and her girlfriend decide to turn Bill's recovery into a makeover. He was the perfect husband. Now his wife was trying to turn him into a model husband...

Substitute Daughter #4

The story of Bob, told by his neighbor and best friend. How Bob was first made to dress "funny" by his mother-in-law.

Pat Goes Coed #5

A college prank traps Pat into becoming Patti.:.coed. Pat is helped by his wife and in-laws to dress as a girl for college dance. Then, things just got out of hand. Double dating with his wife and getting a job as "Patti". Cheerleader Mascot #6

The fraternity needed a mascot and they all thought it would be cute to have a "cheerleader". None of the coeds would do it, so two of the brothers were drafted to become cheerleaders. Cheerleader Mascot takes you behind the scenes for an intimate look at their transformation into lovely young girls. Passport to Femininity #7

(Previously titled, MISS-ING PASSPORT)Shelley loses his passport. The replacement has a small mistake. It says he's "female". All of their reservations for a summer in Europe were made for two girls, not a husband and wife. Something would have to change.

Like Mother, Like Son #8

"His mother had plans for his hair. With its new length, she had several options: fancy french braiding, or perhaps and elegant upsweep. All because he wanted to let his hair grow a little longer. A daughter and son, all in one child.

Just Like a Woman #9

In search of a big story, an investigative reporter goes "undercover" and enrolls at the Chrissy Institute. (Where they train boys to live as girls.) Would he ever be the same? This is a tale of a reporter's search for a sensational story

Skirting the Issue #10

His boss forced him to join a women's social club hoping they would discriminate against men. Thompson heard the rules: "We expect you to maintain a high level of hygiene. Included are legs smoothly shaven, bras and nylons worn. Could he face this challenge? Not Enough Girls #11

Chris has to find two boys who are willing to be girls for their fraternity.

All Dolled Up #12

Bill's sister Lilly needed a model for her beauty school training. Kelly, a neighbor boy, was willing to help. A few pictures later all their lives would be changed. Could Bill resist this "dream girl?"

Acting Like a Girl #13

Ken was accepted into a Shakespearean drama college. He quickly learned that during Shakespeare's time, boys played the girl's parts!

Maid Up #14

John's wife has a few ideas to make him help around the house. He's soon a dapper domestic

Flight of Fancy #15

Some men think they have complete control over women. This is the story of one such man. After a plane crash, womén take control over him. Alex will never be the same.

Dressed to Dance #16

Due to an accident, Dave has to "fill in" for Jessica at a dance contest.

Going a Broad #17

A father goes abroad to visit a long lost son. His son is now modeling bikinis. What will Shelley's father do when he finds out about his son modeling bikinis? What any father would do. Near Miss #18

In a small town, everyone knows everyone's business. How could Jan possibly change her son into her daughter without everyone knowing? And why would she want to?

Tit for Tat #19

Two young wives make a bet: After dressing their husbands as women, the first one "read" is the loser. Jerry's dream marriage turns into a nightmare when he realizes what he and his buddy are being turned into-WOMEN! That'a Girl #201

A young boy spends the summer in Malibu as a girl. His father hopes that this will cure his unusual "hobby"

Woman's Work #21

Larry hated working on his father's farm. He found out that heavy labor wasn't the only work that never ends.

My Son, the Bridesmaid #22

Robin gets "into" his new job at the bridal shop. Paul: Girl Model #23

Glamour or hard work? Paul tells all about his life as a girl model,

Husband to Housewife #24

After helping his working wife with the housework, Gene decides to make it a permanent change.

One of the Girls #25

A mother and son decide that he shouldn't grow up to be like his abusive father...or any other man.

Woman-Hood #26

Marlon and Darwin are delinquent twins who have a choice...Jail or womanhood! Woman-Hood Completed #27

The delinquent twins cope with their new womanhood.

Holiday in Heels and Hawaii in Heels#28

Dale's experience wearing dresses for a school play and more

Like a Daughter #29

Mother & son check into a "fat farm" only to find it accepts only females! My Son, The Debutante #30

Julian is invited to a fancy party where all the boys dress like girls...and the girls like boys! My Son, The Bride #31

The lives of several boys are changed after attending a crossdressing party...One is going to be a bride!

Pretty As You Please #32

A young man goes to work at his in-law's beauty salon...As a girl!

Feminine Appeal #33

We all know women can do men's jobs...how about men doing a woman's job-like strippers?

Hair Today, Gown Tomorrow #34

A day in a beauty parlor turns into a new job, a new girlfriend and a new life!

Daughters Only #35

A young man is faced with a decision-will it be the Army or take his mother's place as a stewardess?

Slink Or Swim #36

David borrows his Aunt's swimsuit for a quick dip in the lake...No one will see him right? Wrong! How far will he go to hide his gender? Camping in Curls #37

A family send their son to camp. to learn everything about being a girl! His father assumes that will end his interest in dresses! DOUBLE ISSUE

Blonde & Blonder #38

Three feminists force their sons to enter a beauty contest. Each boy has his own way of handling the trauma of being sissified and beautified. Could one of these boys win?


With Mother's Help #39


Nick finds that he likes helping his mother do "girl things...and she helps him learn everything he needs to know about being a girl full time! DOUBLE ISSUE!

Girl By Choice #40

After getting in trouble, the only way Pat's mother will let him out of the house is in a dress!

Letting His Hair Down #41

Jan's mother buys him some girlish things to keep his hair out of his eyes...his grandmother buys him the dress! Naughty Grandma! DOUBLE ISSUE!

Coed Created #42

Carl's scholarship has a few strings attached. ..I should say bra straps! This very long (120 pages) has it all: the lady doctor, a man hating BOUBLE ISSUE! and the supportive room-mate.

More Than A Woman #43

Andy finds out that a friend cross-dresses and to his surprise, his wife suggest he does it too! A tale of two wives and their husbands. Dressing Up & D.U. Completed #44 &45

A sickly young man goes to spend some time with his aunt. Their little dress-up games get carried away and he becomes too feminine to return to masculinity. Illustrated!! GREAT! CONTEMPORARY TV FICTION

Can't Cut It #1

Medical science solves one man's problem without an operation. The hormone therapy changes his outlook on life not to mention his appearance.

Schooling in Skirts #2

Danny didn't know what Halloween costume to wear. His sister had an idea.

Going to the Bail #3

One man's journey exploring the feminine side of his life.

Unique Concept/From Flood to Skirts #4

Two wonderful stories of men experiencing the other side of life.

Skirt for a Flirt #5

Brian didn't realize what a harmless day of flirting at the mall would cost. Exchanging Vows #6

Randy finds that being a "wife" for a weekend is harder than he thought. Especially when his own wife is living as the wife of another man. By giving up his male role, does Randy also have to give up his wife?

Changing Vows s Too #7

Randy and his wife move to live as girlfriends. While his wife works as a model, Randi tries to find work...and himself.

Virgin Vows #8

Randy and his twin sister, Rose, have a yearly picture taken when they're dressed alike. This year it's in prom gowns! A yearly tradition for the twins turns to terror when Randy is asked to wear a prom gown.

Vow of Femininity #9

Randy is faced with decisions. Will he stay married to Mindy as a girl?

French Dressing #10

Something had to change and Emile was it. A fully illustrated stor

The New Girl #11

A job is a job...unless it requires too much. Can Stephan be a good secretary?

The Girl's Part #12

From a part in a play to a new role in life. Andy's feminization.

The Boy Who Blossomed #13

A young man takes a job in his aunt's flower shop. Everyone mistakes him for a girl...the flower girl.

My Sister's Shadow #14

He simply had to fill in for his twin sister. A simple task but...it was for her wedding.

His First Dress #15

A tomboy helps Elliot dress in clothes she'd never wear. They teach each other new things!

Girlies #16

Two couples find that they have a lot in common. Both husbands like dressing like women! They make plans for spending the summer as mothers and daughters! Husband to Hostess #17

A young man finds out his wife would rather have him helping with her catering business than being a bum at home. DOUBLE ISSUE My Bosom Buddy #18

Two long time friend's relationship is strained when one gets a job modeling girl's clothes. Head Over Heels #19

Glen's mother knew all about raising girls from bows to the perfect hairdo. What a waste of talent since she only had Glen, right?

I Dress, Therefore I AM #20

After getting caught in his mother's clothes, his mother buys him his own. He finds acceptance and find a new life. DOUBLE ISSUE Redtoes #21

Two young couples make a bet...Which wife. can turn their husband into the most realistic looking girl? How far will they go to win? Too Many Skirts

Too Many Skirts #22

A young man joins an all girl band. The only problem is the uniform...they all want to wear skirts! But he looks like a girl in them??.. DOUBLE ISSUE

Flirting with Fashion #23

A man gets help with this cross-dressing from another cross-dresser. But is it really help? Jeff's Humiliation #24

This is a fully illustrated story of a young man who is forced to attend the carnival in frilly petticoats. The drawings in this story are some of the best I have ever seen!

The Pampered Sissy #25

What would you do for millions? Steven's rich aunt leaves him her fortune...with one catch. He must become a girl!

Dear Sir or Madam #26

A wonderful fiction book exploring the intimate lives of males facing their femininity. Many different stories with many different motivations. Great!

Giving him the Slip #27

Women wearing the pants and men wearing the skirts?? It just isn't done, is it? Would men ever be the ones to wear make-up and be submissive to thier wives? Read this and find out!

A Living Doll #28

A mother decides to show her son how to take care of his hair and gets carried away!! When his girlfriend finds out.

Feminine Metamorphosis


The story of a young man's transformation into a social and sexy young woman. A new writer with wonderful insight!

Case of the Missing Panties #30

Bill Cates goes to woirk at a lingerie company and things start to disappear. What will happen to the person who took them?? Cleavage #31

After helping his seamtress mother with some swimsuit modeling, Shawn finds a hidden interest in girls things. His father has a secret and the fun BUSTS out! TRANSVESTIA FICTION

Fated for Femininity #1

"...Why not let Lennie compete anyway, of course, he would have to dress as a girl from now on. We could spread the word that Lennie is not a boy, and never was. It might work..

It's All in the Family #2

John dresses in skirts to show the girl's at school how they should dress. His mother and father suggest he try it for the summer. Thus "Jane" is born. Many surprises!

Tales From a Pink Mirror #3

Gerald is removed from his all boy school and is enrolled in a school of his step-mother's choice. He is enrolled to learn how to be dainty and feminine.